Secret Story: The Waiting Game
The Waiting Game, original artwork by Kirstie Page
Goodness it was such a wonderful feeling to immerse myself in creating this artwork. It was one of those ones which flowed from start to finish. Clearly it was meant to be.
This piece was inspired by what feels like is a waiting game that so many of us have been playing lately, whether we like it or not. There’s just been so much change, at such a fast rate. It’s been hard sometimes to know which way is up.⠀
I can’t help but question: will things turn out well? What if challenges continue ahead? Uncertainty has been the name of the game. ⠀
I decided to feature jacarandas in bloom. The city where I live is awash with nature’s purple confetti during the springtime. Although I know it’s not native to the area, it’s just so incredibly pretty I felt like I needed to try and capture its glorious energy.
There’s a story that states if a jacaranda blossom falls on your head it will bring you good luck. Not deterred by the blooms staying firmly attached to the tree, I “may” have picked a few up off the ground and had them somehow accidentally fall from above onto my hair.
Hey, it’s worth a try, right?
Yellow features as the background behind my magpie as it’s the colour of happiness, optimism and joy. I truly think these are wonderful associations to focus on when you’re busy playing the “what will happen next” game.
It’s funny isn’t it: I’ve got this far and haven’t even mentioned the star of the show, my magpie. I shall address that right now!
I was inspired to paint a magpie for a couple of reasons. Firstly, because symbolically they can represent both yin and yan of life.⠀Appropriate? Check.
The second reason was based on an encounter I had with one last week. I was on a picnic with my darling husband and this little magpie had absolutely no fear and was on the ground beside me, no more than a metre away. ⠀
I kept wondering “Are you a friendly little thing, or are you going to try to take an eye out?” It felt like this elaborate game of chicken (magpie?) where neither of us wanted to be the one to show any apprehension... It really was a waiting game... ⠀
As I left the site fully intact at the end, I think she was friendly. Phew!
About Kirstie Page
Kirstie Page is an Australian mixed media and enamel artist, classically trained musician and former dementia trainer with experience working on the front line in aged care. Kirstie creates beautifully uplifting artworks that incorporate her understanding of science and dementia to provide comfort and joy to people, including those living with dementia and other health conditions.